Over in the Ocean: In a Coral Reef
(OverDrive Read)
Learning becomes fun with this book about the animals of the ocean! In Over in the Ocean: In a Coral Reef, amazing artwork will inspire kids in classrooms and at home to appreciate the beauty and biology of coral reefs and world around us!
Brilliant artwork is the star of this oceanic counting book, based on the classic children's song "Over in the Meadow". Kids will sing, clap, and count their way among pufferfish that "puff," gruntfish that "grunt" and seahorses that "flutter," and begin to appreciate the animals in the ocean. And the clay art will inspire many a project.
Parents, teachers, giftgivers, and many others will find:
captivating illustrations of sculptures fashioned from polymer clay.
backmatter that includes further information about the coral reef and the animals of the ocean.
music and song lyrics to "Over in the Ocean" sung to the tune "Over in the Meadow"!
a book for young readers learning to count!
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More Details
Marianne Berkes. (2004). Over in the Ocean: In a Coral Reef. Sourcebooks.
Chicago / Turabian - Author Date Citation (style guide)Marianne Berkes. 2004. Over in the Ocean: In a Coral Reef. Sourcebooks.
Chicago / Turabian - Humanities Citation (style guide)Marianne Berkes, Over in the Ocean: In a Coral Reef. Sourcebooks, 2004.
MLA Citation (style guide)Marianne Berkes. Over in the Ocean: In a Coral Reef. Sourcebooks, 2004.
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Shared Digital Collection | 1 | 1 |
Northern Waters Library Service | 0 | 0 |
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OverDrive Product Record
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- In a Coral Reef
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- value: Scuba
- value: fins
- value: homeschool
- value: Picture Book
- value: Nature
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- value: Home School
- value: children
- value: Science
- value: ocean animals
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- value: coral
- value: Fish
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Marianne Berkes has spent much of her life as a teacher, children's theater director and children's librarian. She knows how much children enjoy "interactive" stories and is the author of many entertaining and educational picture books that make a child's learning relevant. Reading, music, theater, gardening, and cooking have been a constant in Marianne's life. Her books are inspired by her love of nature. Marianne hopes to open kids' eyes to the magic found in our natural world. She now writes full time. An energetic presenter at schools and conferences, Marianne believes that "hands on" learning is fun. Her website is www.MarianneBerkes.com.
- name: Marianne Berkes
- role: Illustrator
- fileAs: Canyon, Jeanette
- name: Jeanette Canyon
- imprint
- Dawn Publications
- publishDate
- 2004-09-01T00:00:00Z
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- title
- Over in the Ocean
- fullDescription
Learning becomes fun with this book about the animals of the ocean! In Over in the Ocean: In a Coral Reef, amazing artwork will inspire kids in classrooms and at home to appreciate the beauty and biology of coral reefs and world around us!
Brilliant artwork is the star of this oceanic counting book, based on the classic children's song "Over in the Meadow". Kids will sing, clap, and count their way among pufferfish that "puff," gruntfish that "grunt" and seahorses that "flutter," and begin to appreciate the animals in the ocean. And the clay art will inspire many a project.
Parents, teachers, giftgivers, and many others will find:
captivating illustrations of sculptures fashioned from polymer clay.
backmatter that includes further information about the coral reef and the animals of the ocean.
music and song lyrics to "Over in the Ocean" sung to the tune "Over in the Meadow"!
a book for young readers learning to count!
- gradeLevels
- value: Grade 50
- value: Grade 1
- value: Grade 2
- popularity
- 336
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- code: en
- name: English
- subjects
- value: Juvenile Fiction
- value: Juvenile Literature
- publishDateText
- 09/01/2004
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- type: ISBN
- value: 9781584690627
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- eBook
- shortDescription
Learning becomes fun with this book about the animals of the ocean! In Over in the Ocean: In a Coral Reef, amazing artwork will inspire kids in classrooms and at home to appreciate the beauty and biology of coral reefs and world around us!
Brilliant artwork is the star of this oceanic counting book, based on the classic children's song "Over in the Meadow". Kids will sing, clap, and count their way among pufferfish that "puff," gruntfish that "grunt" and seahorses that "flutter," and begin to appreciate the animals in the ocean. And the clay art will inspire many a project.
Parents, teachers, giftgivers, and many others will find:
captivating illustrations of sculptures fashioned from polymer clay.
backmatter that includes further information about the coral reef and the animals of the ocean.
music and song lyrics to "Over in the Ocean" sung to the tune "Over in the Meadow"!
a book for young readers learning...
- sortTitle
- Over in the Ocean In a Coral Reef
- lexileScore
- 600
- crossRefId
- 1028621
- classifications
- subtitle
- In a Coral Reef
- publisher
- Sourcebooks
- atos
- 2.7
- bisacCodes
- code: JUV002170
- description: Juvenile Fiction / Animals / Marine Life
- code: JUV009030
- description: Juvenile Fiction / Concepts / Counting & Numbers